"Imagination" by N.C. Wyeth

"Imagination" by N.C. Wyeth


Your own unprovable truth, for Project Mayhem

Mothers, Makers, Miracles, for Kindred Magazine

Resistance, for Project Mayhem

A letter from your older self, personal essay for Kindred Magazine

Brave enough to break it open, personal essay for Kindred Magazine

Two Reflections, microfictions for Kindred Magazine


The importance of beginnings, for Project Mayhem

7 tips about writing groups, for Project Mayhem

Writing retreats, for Project Mayhem

4 tools for the writing parent, for Project Mayhem

New children's classics, for Project Mayhem

Do kids books have to be about kids? for Project Mayhem

The Enneagram for character development, for Project Mayhem


Love in a new language, personal essay on Persian cuisine for Kindred Magazine

Pruning a home and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, personal essay/ feature article for Kindred Magazine

My Nonny's china, personal essay/ feature article with recipe for Kindred Magazine

Sensucht: a longing for an unknown country, travelogue on the Yakima Valley and personal essay for Kindred Magazine

Savoring the ordinary, personal essay for Kindred Magazine

Magical thinking, personal essay for Kindred Magazine